Here is a selected list of some of the people that Concrete Cloud has had the pleasure of working with over the past year. Did you know that people who need people are the luckiest people in the world?
Click on the client's name to see some samples of the work.

Business Solutions International
Logo Design, Identity System, Sales Kit
Business Solutions, a company started 15 years ago, was in need of a new identity system to reflect a revitalized business approach. They also required marketing materials to support new product and service offerings.



Gateway Sports - The Kellogg-Keebler Classic
Site design and Information Architecture
Created for the Kellogg-Keebler Classic LPGA tournament, this extensive web site includes event information and schedules, functionality that allows visitors to register or volunteer, and up to the minute press releases. Site creation from the ground up included information architecture, site design, and programming.



Ganté Marketing and Communications
Identity System, Web Site, Sales Kit
A marketing and communications firm with an emphases on event-based creative strategy. The sales kit was created entirely for on-line distribution.



The Webseers
Identity System, Web Site, Site Evaluation
System Design, E-Mail Campaign

An on-line business strategy and web site consulting firm, The Webseers needed a web site that would clearly explain their complex service offering and work as a conduit for evaluation inquiries. Prospects are directed to the site via a direct e-mail campaign that offers a free site evaluation.



Allinea Systems
Identity System, Web Site
A startup company headed by industry veterans, Allinea needed a web presence that reflected the experience and stability of its' founders as it expressed a fresh approach to vision alignment for the transportation logistics industry.



WXRT Radio
To help build customer loyalty, promote the brand, and facilitate a revenue stream for their advertisers, we created a customized microsite that became available to listeners on their birthdays. The site contained a birthday greeting and printable coupons for products and services supplied by the station's advertisers.



Concrete Cloud creates a site for the Kellogg-Keebler Classic

Business Solutions Int'l selects Concrete Cloud for new identity package

Concrete Cloud is proud to have new talent on the roster